Super Cars


scrapping your car

Generally, people are ignorant of sending their old or damaged cars for scraping. Instead, they keep their cars in home garage for long time without using it or using it and incurring costs on it. People in general, need to be educated about the advantages of sending their cars for scrap, not only due to benefit of getting money, but also for environmental issues.
When cars are scraped, the tyres of the car need to be taken out and inspected. The tires are at a risk of contaminating environment due to their make properties like decomposition, risk of catching fire, chemical issues which can pollute land and water and effect landfills.
If more people get aware of reusing tyres, then tyres can be recycled more and the percentage of tyre reusing can be increased from 30% to at-least 60% . This way, landfills will not have tyres wasted and will provide an advantage to environment protection. The tyres consist of materials like rubber, hydrocarbon, oil, Sulphur and other materials which need to be looked at closely before deciding to reuse it or dispose it correctly. 


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